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I am now a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow at Surgical Robot Vision Group, WEISS, University College London, UK. I studied my Ph.D. in the Robotics Institute, University of Technology Sydney, Australia, where I work on robots simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM), surgical robotics, and optimization techniques in mobile robot localization and mapping and image guide robotic surgery. I am co-advised by Dr. Liang Zhao and Prof. Shoudong Huang.

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  • 06/2024, 1 paper has been accepted by MICCAI 2024.
  • 01/2023, 1 paper has been accepted by ICRA 2023.
  • 12/2022, I have successfully passed my Ph.D. candidature assessment III (Thesis to be submitted in Feb 2023).
  • 08/2022, our MICCAI paper was invited to give an oral presentation at MICCAI 2022, Singapore.
  • 08/2022, our MICCAI paper was rewarded MICCAI Student Travel Awards.
  • 05/2022, 1 paper has been accepted by MICCAI 2022.
  • 05/2021, 1 paper has been accepted by ICRA 2021.
  • 12/2020, 1 paper has been accepted by IEEE Transaction on Medical Robotics and Bionics.
  • Recent Projects

    During my Ph.D. study, the objective of my research is to develop 3D reconstruction and real-time localization techniques for rigid/deformable environments to facilitate medical robots working in minimally invasive surgery. I have been working on two research projects for my Ph.D. research:

  • 3D Reconstruction of Colon Structures and Textures from Colonoscopic Videos
  • Developed Colonoscopy Simulator and Source Code | Technical Details

    In this research project, I focused on developing SLAM-based frameworks to reconstruct the 3D maps of the deformable human colon from standard colonoscopy procedures, thus the unsurveyed regions (where precancerous polyps may reside) can be shown on the reconstructed colon maps and help colonoscopists to ensure more colonic surfaces are inspected and to reduce polyps missing rate. Due to the unavailability of complete colonoscopy datasets, I developed a realistic colonoscopy simulator that can simulate the colonoscopy procedures and generate complete colonoscopy datasets for validation of deformable reconstruction algorithms. The developed simulator was made publicly available to promote research in the field.

  • SLAM-TKA: Real-time Intra-operative Measurement of Proximal Tibial Resection Plane in Conventional Total Knee Arthroplasty

    Technical Details | Code Will be Released Soon...

    In the second research project, novel SLAM algorithms were developed to improve bone resection accuracy in total knee arthroplasty (TKA). The proposed framework can precisely and real-timely pre-estimate the proximal tibial resection plane such that the evaluation processing does not need any external fiducials and does not interrupt the working flow of TKA.


  • 09/2022, "SLAM-TKA: Real-time Intra-operative Measurement of Tibial Resection Plane in Conventional Total Knee Arthroplasty" at MICCAI 2022, Singapore.
  • 06/2021, "3D Reconstruction of Deformable Colon Structures based on Preoperative Model and Deep Neural Network" at ICRA 2021, Xian, China.
  • Research

    I'm interested in devleoping SLAM algorithms for image-guided robotics surgery (e.g. 3D human organ reconstruction, deformation recovery, surgical operation tools localization and navigation).

    Conference Papers:

    1. 3D Reconstruction of Tibia and Fibula using One General Model and Two X-ray Images
      Kai Pan, Shuai Zhang, Liang Zhao, Shoudong Huang, Hua Wang, Qi Luo
      ICRA 2023 | paper

    2. SLAM-TKA: Real-time Intra-operative Measurement of Tibial Resection Plane in Conventional Total Knee Arthroplasty
      Shuai Zhang, Liang Zhao, Shoudong Huang, Hua Wang, Qi Luo, Qi Hao
      MICCAI 2022 | paper

    3. 3D Reconstruction of Deformable Colon Structures based on Preoperative Model and Deep Neural Network
      Shuai Zhang, Liang Zhao, Shoudong Huang, Rui Ma, Boni Hu, Qi Hao
      ICRA 2021 | paper

    4. Linear Bayesian Filter based Low-cost UWB Systems for Indoor Mobile Robot Localization
      Shuai Zhang, Ruihua Han, Wankuan Huang, Shuaijun Wang, and Qi Hao
      IEEE SENSORS 2018 | paper

    5. An Integrated UAV Navigation System Based on Geo-registered 3D Point Cloud
      Shuai Zhang, Shuaijun Wang, Chengyang Li, Guocheng Liu, Qi Hao
      MFI 2017 | paper

    6. A Camera-based Real-time Polarization Sensor and its Application to Mobile Robot Navigation
      Shuai Zhang, Huawei Liang, Hui Zhu, Daobin Wang, Biao Yu
      ROBIO 2014 | paper

    Journal Papers:

    1. A Template-Based 3D Reconstruction of Colon Structures and Textures From Stereo Colonoscopic Images
      Shuai Zhang, Liang Zhao, Shoudong Huang, Menglong Ye, and Qi Hao
      TMRB 2020 | paper | Developed Colonoscopy Simulator

    2. A Bionic Camera-Based Polarization Navigation Sensor
      Daobin Wang, Huawei Liang, Hui Zhu, Shuai Zhang
      SENSORS 2014 | paper


  • Reviewers of TMI, TMRB, RA-L, ICRA, IROS, MICCAI.

  • Helping my supervisors organized the 2021 IEEE RAS Winter School on SLAM in Deformable Environments.

  • Awards

  • 2022, MICCAI 2022 Student Travel Awards.

  • 2019, UTS&SUSTech Joint PhD Scholarship, University of Technology Sdyney.

  • 2016, Huawei’s Future Star Award, Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

  • 2015, Outstanding Graduates, University of Science and Technology of China.

  • 2014, Guanghua Education Scholarship, University of Science and Technology of China.

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